Florian Blach
Managing Director Creation
Managing director or typography nerd? Florian studied information design and is essentially responsible for the creation at Halbstark . His main focus is on the use of modern, expressive typography.

Full-time Wikipedia junkie and multiple award-winning UI designer on the side.
LinkedInWhat few know about you?
I judge companies by their logo and products by their packaging. This first impression is irreversible for me.
What do you do in your spare time?
My favourite way to spend my free time is running or cycling. I like to travel & can be found wherever it is warm & wet in the summer.
Right- or left-handed?
How many kilograms do you bench press?
60 kg, but steadily falling.
What have you learned?
I studied information design at the Hochschule der Medien. After a stint at Jung von Matt, I acquired a visual understanding through self-study and a lot of trial-and-error.
We are going on holiday. Camping or all-inclusive?
All-inclusive. (Gladly airBnB)
Most used app on your mobile phone?
Safari & Mails.