As committed advocates and supporters of German SMEs, we at Halbstark have accompanied numerous website relaunch projects and identified the same challenges time and again:
1. too many goals, too little focus 🎯
Weoften come across websites that are overloaded with an excess of functions such as supplier portals, shareholder management, intranet and application management. A clear target group approach and a focus on the essentials are the key to success. Ideally, the website should pursue a maximum of two main objectives: 1) Generating relevant new customers and 2) Generating suitable applicants.
2. internal thinking vs. customer focus 🔄
Theaverage website visitor is not very interested in which product portfolio belongs to which department. A successful website relaunch should not only serve internal needs, but also present the services and products offered as simply as possible for the customer. Customer centricity is the greatest lever for sustainable success.
3. technology overload, benefit underload 🤖💡
Technicaldetails are undoubtedly important, but they must not play the main role. The website must be usable as a marketing tool and not end up as an engineering nightmare.
4. lack of personality 🤖🙅♂️
Websiteswithout personality leave little impression. The relevant people, especially in medium-sized companies, which are often family-run for generations, often have too little or no say. People buy from people, so they should also be presented appropriately.
5. missing values or even the opposite 🚫🎓
Valuessuch as regional ties, quality and work ethic are not communicated sufficiently, often based on the assumption that they are no longer up to date. Instead, the focus is on polished presentation. One example of this is gendering: We often hear in client meetings that people don't actually want it, but gender it anyway for fear of a shitstorm. This is at odds with authenticity.
6. text overload and information overload 📚🌊
Lessis sometimes more. Technical product details are important, but not every last detail needs to be explained in depth. Clear, concise messages are more effective.
7. lack of strategy when it comes to traffic 🚦📈
Eventhe most beautiful website is of little use if nobody visits it. There is often a lack of a clear traffic strategy (in addition to SEO) that ensures more visitors after the relaunch.
At Halbstark , we're always delighted to see how well SMEs are advised, so we can remove the stumbling blocks and truly represent the SME sector with every relaunch! If you want to give your website a proper relaunch, get in touch with us for a future-proof website! 💪🚀