September 19, 2024

Accessibility on the web: The new Accessibility Reinforcement Act and its impact on website operators

The new Accessibility Improvement Act comes into force in 2025. Find out what website operators need to consider now and what steps you can take to adapt your online presence in good time and benefit from the advantages of digital accessibility.

Accessibility on the web: The new Accessibility Reinforcement Act and its impact on website operators

1. introduction

In an increasingly digitalized world, access to information and services on the internet has become a matter of course for many people. But not for everyone: people with disabilities often encounter barriers online that make it difficult or even impossible for them to use websites. To tackle this problem and promote an inclusive digital society, the Barrier-Free Accessibility Reinforcement Act will come into force in 2025.

What many people don't know: Accessibility affects a significant proportion of the population. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 1.3 billion people worldwide live with some form of disability - this corresponds to around 16% of the world's population. In Germany, according to the Federal Statistical Office, there are around 7.9 million people with disabilities, i.e. around 9.5% of the population. These figures illustrate how important it is to make websites accessible.

Accessibility is also becoming increasingly important for search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines such as Google reward accessible websites with better rankings, as they classify them as more user-friendly and relevant. An accessible website not only improves accessibility for people with disabilities, but also the general user experience and visibility in search engines.

This law will have far-reaching implications for website operators and presents them with new challenges, but also offers opportunities. In this article, we take a close look at the Accessibility Enhancement Act, what it means for website operators and the steps you can take now to make your online presence future-proof and inclusive.

Whether you run a small business, operate an online store or maintain an information website - the topic of web accessibility will be of central importance to you in the future. Let's explore together what the new law means for you and how you can not only meet the legal requirements, but also benefit from the many advantages of an accessible website.

2 What is the Barrier-Free Reinforcement Act?

The Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (BFSG) is an important step towards promoting inclusion in the digital world. It was passed on July 16, 2021 and transposes the European Directive 2019/882 on accessibility requirements for products and services into German law. The aim of the law is to improve the accessibility of products and services and thus promote the equal participation of people with disabilities in social life.

Goals and background

  • Equal rights: The BFSG is intended to ensure that people with disabilities can participate in digital life on an equal footing.
  • Harmonization: It creates uniform rules for accessible products and services in the EU, which strengthens the internal market and reduces distortions of competition.
  • Raising awareness: The law is intended to raise awareness of the importance of accessibility in society and the economy.

Timetable for implementation

The BFSG comes into force gradually:

  • June 28, 2025: From this date, new products and services that fall within the scope of the law must be accessible.
  • June 28, 2030: An extended transition period applies to self-service terminals. They only have to comply with the requirements from this date.

Area of application

The law affects a wide range of products and services, including:

  • Computer hardware and operating systems
  • Self-service terminals (e.g. ATMs, ticket machines)
  • Smartphones and tablets
  • TV sets and set-top boxes
  • E-books and dedicated software
  • Websites and mobile applications
  • E-commerce services
  • Banking services for consumers
  • Electronic tickets and check-in machines
  • Audiovisual media services and e-books

For website operators, it is particularly relevant that their online presences fall under the scope of the law. This means that they must make their websites and apps accessible by June 28, 2025.

Important aspects for website operators

  • Technical standards: The law refers to international standards such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which serve as a guide for implementation.
  • Declaration on accessibility: Website operators must provide a declaration on accessibility that makes the status of implementation transparent.
  • Feedback mechanism: There must be a way to report accessibility deficiencies and request information in an alternative format.

The Accessibility Improvement Act presents website operators with new challenges, but also offers them the opportunity to improve their digital offerings and make them accessible to a wider audience. In the following sections, we will take a closer look at the specific impact of the law on website operators and how you can best prepare for it.

3. effects on website operators

The Accessibility Improvement Act will have a significant impact on website operators. In order to meet the requirements of the law and at the same time benefit from the advantages of digital accessibility, operators must review various aspects of their online presence and adapt them if necessary.

What requirements must be met?

  1. Perceptibility:
    • All content must be presented in different formats (e.g. text alternatives for images).
    • Videos should be provided with subtitles and audio descriptions.
    • The website must be operable with different input devices.
  2. Usability:
    • All functions must be accessible via the keypad.
    • Users must have enough time to read and use content.
    • Navigation must be consistent and easy to understand.
  3. Comprehensibility:
    • Texts should be written in clear and simple language.
    • The functionality of the website must be predictable.
    • Input support and error prevention must be guaranteed.
  4. Robustness:
    • The website must be compatible with various browsers and assistive technologies.
    • The HTML code must be valid and well structured.

What types of websites are affected?

The law affects practically all publicly accessible websites, in particular:

  • Company websites
  • Online stores
  • Information portals
  • Service platforms
  • Government websites (these are also subject to BITV 2.0)

Mobile applications (apps) also fall under the scope of the law.

Possible consequences of non-compliance

Non-compliance with the Accessibility Improvement Act can have various consequences:

  1. Legal consequences:
    • Possible fines (the exact amount has not yet been determined)
    • Orders to remedy violations
  2. Economic disadvantages:
    • Loss of potential customers
    • Poorer positioning in search engines
    • Possible reputational damage
  3. Exclusion from public contracts:
    • Compliance with accessibility standards could become a criterion when awarding public contracts.
  4. Missed opportunities:
    • No access to a growing target group
    • No use of the advantages of accessible websites (better usability, higher customer satisfaction)

To avoid these consequences and at the same time benefit from the advantages of accessibility, it is advisable to start adapting your own website at an early stage. Specialized tools such as AccessiBe can provide valuable support here by facilitating and automating the implementation of accessibility measures.

In the following sections, we will go into more detail about why accessibility is important beyond the legal requirements and what specific steps you can take to make your website accessible.

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4 Why accessibility is important

The importance of digital accessibility goes far beyond simply meeting legal requirements. It offers numerous benefits that can have a positive impact on your company, your users and society as a whole.

Ethical reasons

  1. Inclusion and equality:
    • Accessible websites enable all people, regardless of their abilities or limitations, to participate in digital life on an equal footing.
    • They help to reduce discrimination and promote a more inclusive society.
  2. Social responsibility:
    • Companies demonstrate their commitment to social participation and corporate social responsibility by offering accessible products and services.
    • This can have a positive impact on the company's image and reputation.

Economic advantages

  1. Expansion of the target group:
    • Accessible websites reach more potential customers, including the approximately 7.9 million people with disabilities in Germany.
    • Older people, who are often affected by restrictions, can also be better addressed.
  2. Improved search engine optimization (SEO):
    • Many measures for accessibility, such as a clear structure, meaningful headings and alt texts for images, also improve the ranking in search engines.
    • Google and other search engines often rate accessible websites better, which can lead to more organic traffic.
  3. Cost savings:
    • Early implementation of accessibility can save costs in the long term, as subsequent adaptations are often more expensive.
    • Accessible websites are often easier to maintain and update.
  4. Promotion of innovation:
    • Dealing with accessibility can lead to innovative solutions and approaches that can also be useful in other areas.

Improving the user experience for everyone

  1. Increased user-friendliness:
    • Accessible websites are often more intuitive and easier to use, which benefits all users.
    • Clear structures and comprehensible content improve the user experience for every visitor.
  2. Flexibility and adaptability:
    • Accessible websites work better on different devices and in different environments (e.g. with a poor internet connection or in noisy environments).
  3. Improved customer satisfaction:
    • An accessible website signals that the company takes the needs of all customers seriously.
    • This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  4. Time saving for users:
    • Well-structured, accessible content enables all users to find the information they need more quickly.

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By implementing accessibility on your website, you are not only investing in compliance with legal requirements, but also in the future viability and success of your online presence. Tools like AccessiBe can help simplify and speed up this process by providing automated solutions for many aspects of digital accessibility. You can try out the tool at the bottom left by clicking on the people icon.

In the next section, we will look at the specific steps you can take to make your website accessible and benefit from all these advantages.

5. steps to implement accessibility

Implementing accessibility on your website may seem like a complex task at first glance. However, with a structured approach and the right tools, you can take a step-by-step approach and continuously improve your web presence. Here are the most important steps you should take:

1. analysis of the existing website

  • Carrying out an accessibility audit:
    • Use automated tools such as the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool or the axe DevTools Browser Extension.
    • Supplement this with manual tests, especially for aspects that cannot be checked automatically.
  • Identification of weak points:
    • Create a list of the barriers found, prioritized by severity and frequency.
  • Obtain user feedback:
    • If possible, ask users with different disabilities about their experience on your website.

2. technical adjustments

  • Semantic HTML structure:
    • Use HTML5 elements such as header, nav and main, <footer> for a clear structure.
    • Pay attention to a logical headline hierarchy (H1, H2, H3 etc.).
  • Keyboard accessibility:
    • Make sure that all functions can also be operated without a mouse.
    • Implement visible focus indicators for keyboard users.
  • Alternative texts:
    • Add meaningful alt texts to all images and graphics.
    • Describe complex graphics or diagrams in detail in context.
  • Color contrasts and text sizes:
    • Use color combinations with sufficient contrast (at least 4.5:1 for normal text).
    • Enable the enlargement of text without loss of function.
  • Optimize forms:
    • Use correct label elements for form fields.
    • Provide clear error messages and assistance.

3. design considerations

  • Responsive design:
    • Make sure that your website works well and is readable on all devices.
  • Clear visual hierarchy:
    • Structure content so that important information is easily recognizable.
  • Consistent layout:
    • Use consistent navigation and interaction patterns throughout.

4. content strategies

  • Clear and simple language:
    • Avoid unnecessarily complicated expressions and technical terms.
    • Structure texts with subheadings and bulleted lists.
  • Multimedia content:
    • Offer subtitles and transcripts for videos.
    • Provide audio descriptions for important visual content.

5. regular review and adjustment

  • Continuous monitoring:
    • Carry out regular accessibility tests, especially after updates.
  • Feedback mechanism:
    • Implement a way for users to report accessibility issues.

6. tools and resources for accessible web design

Implementing accessibility can be made much easier by using specialized tools and resources. Here we present a selection of the most useful tools that can help you design and check accessible websites.

Automated accessibility solution

AccessiBe is a leading AI-powered solution that has proven to be particularly effective for automating accessibility adaptations. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Automatic adaptation in real time: AccessiBe automatically adapts your website to make it accessible for users with different disabilities.
  • Comprehensive compliance: Meets the requirements of WCAG 2.1 AA & AAA as well as various international accessibility laws.
  • Simple integration: Installation is carried out using a simple JavaScript snippet without the need to make any changes to the existing code.
  • Continuous updating: AccessiBe automatically adapts to new content and changes to your website.
  • Detailed reporting: Provides comprehensive reports on the accessibility of your website.
  • Customizable user interface: Users can adapt the presentation of the website to their individual needs.

Particularly noteworthy is the option of trying out AccessiBe directly on our website. This allows you to see the extensive functions and user-friendliness for yourself. Test how AccessiBe adapts your website in real time and provides various accessibility options.

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Review tools

In addition to automated solutions such as AccessiBe, there are also specific tools for checking the accessibility of your website:

  1. WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
    • Free browser extension and web tool
    • Identifies visual accessibility issues directly on the website
    • Provides detailed explanations and suggestions for improvement
  2. axe DevTools
    • Powerful browser extension for developers
    • Performs automated tests based on WCAG guidelines
    • Integrates seamlessly into the development process
  3. Lighthouse (in Chrome DevTools)
    • Integrated tool in Google Chrome
    • Evaluates performance, SEO and best practices in addition to accessibility
    • Generates comprehensive reports with suggestions for improvement

Additional resources

To deepen your knowledge of accessibility, we recommend the following resources:

  1. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
    • Official guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
    • Comprehensive guide to all aspects of digital accessibility
  2. A11Y Project
    • Community-driven platform with practical tips and checklists
    • Provides easy-to-understand explanations of complex accessibility concepts
  3. MDN Web Docs Accessibility Guide
    • Extensive documentation from Mozilla
    • Contains practical tutorials and best practices for developers

Training and further education

For a more in-depth look at the topic of accessibility, we recommend the following courses:

  1. Udacity Web Accessibility Course
    • Free online course
    • Teaches the basics and advanced concepts of web accessibility
  2. edX Introduction to Web Accessibility
    • Course developed by W3C
    • Provides comprehensive insight into all aspects of digital accessibility

In the next section, we will explain why it is important to act now and not wait until the last minute to make your website accessible.

7 Why act now?

Although the Accessibility Improvement Act does not come into force until 2025, there are numerous convincing reasons why website operators should take action now:

1. avoidance of last-minute stress

  • Time-consuming adaptations: Implementing accessibility can take considerable time, depending on the complexity of your website.
  • Gradual improvement: An early start allows you to implement changes gradually and carefully instead of working under time pressure.

2. cost efficiency

  • Avoid expensive subsequent improvements: Thinking about accessibility from the outset is often cheaper than making subsequent adaptations.
  • Budget optimization: You can spread investments in accessibility over a longer period of time.

3. competitive advantage

  • Pioneering role: Be one step ahead of your competitors and position yourself as a progressive, inclusive company.
  • Improved image: Demonstrate your commitment to inclusion and social responsibility.

4. early user acquisition

  • Tap into new target groups: Benefit now from an expanded user base through improved accessibility.
  • Customer loyalty: Create positive experiences for all users and thus promote customer loyalty.

5. continuous improvement

  • Learning process: Gain valuable experience and insights into the needs of your users.
  • Iterative optimization: Refine your accessibility measures based on user feedback and new findings.

6 Technological adaptation

  • Integration into development processes: Implement accessibility as an integral part of your web development.
  • Avoid technical debt: Prevent costly restructuring in the future.

7 Legal security

  • Early compliance: Ensure that your website meets all legal requirements in good time.
  • Avoid penalties: Protect yourself from possible legal consequences and fines.

8. use of modern solutions

  • Advantages of advanced tools: Benefit from the latest developments in accessibility, such as AI-powered solutions like AccessiBe.
  • Automation: Use tools that automatically implement and update many aspects of accessibility.

By acting now, you not only implement the legal requirements at an early stage, but also position your company as forward-looking and socially responsible. With solutions like AccessiBe, you can simplify and speed up this process considerably. AccessiBe continuously adapts your website and ensures that it always complies with the latest accessibility standards without you having to worry about constant manual updates.

The sooner you start, the more time you have to optimize the accessibility of your website and benefit from the many advantages. Start now and make your online presence fit for the future - a future in which digital inclusion is not just a legal requirement, but a self-evident reality.

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Try accessibe now for free or get in touch directly.
Accessibility on the web: The new Accessibility Reinforcement Act and its impact on website operators
Marvin Blach
[email protected]
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