From sweet dreams to sweet successes: Redesign for Katjes online store

Katjes GmbH - Shopify
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Katje's unique brand experience can now also be experienced in the online store.

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The ideal balance between brand representation and conversion optimization

Through the targeted design, we successfully transferred the distinctive Katjes brand experience into the digital sphere and at the same time increased the shopping cart & checkout rate through targeted conversion optimization.

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Mobile First Design Approach

Right from the start, we at Katjes paid particular attention to mobile user guidance. Our modular design system follows complex rules that guarantee a consistent and optimal user experience across all touchpoints. Thanks to the use of Webflow and Shopify, we can ensure that every customer has a smooth and engaging online experience on any device.

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You want to know more?

Hey 👋 We look forward to hearing from you, then we can answer questions about the project.

From sweet dreams to sweet successes: Redesign for Katjes online store
Florian Blach
Managing Director Creation
[email protected]